General Sick Policy
Many of the individuals we serve are immunocompromised, and can become very sick, very easily. It is exceptionally important that all who visit our facility adhere to our Sick Policy for the wellbeing of all. Participants/clients, their family members, staff and volunteers must be free of the following symptoms and/or conditions for 24 hours before arriving at Equuvation:
Temperature of 101 or higher**
Two or more cold symptoms combined**
Undiagnosed rash on the body
Colored mucus discharge
Cloudy discharge from the eye(s)
Any communicable disease
**Symptoms and/or fever must remain absent without the use of Tylenol, Motrin, or any other antipyretic. If you have any of the above symptoms and/or conditions please contact your instructor directly ASAP. Credits are not issued in the case of absences due to sickness, unless arranged individually.
PLEASE: STAY HOME and/or cancel services if you have exhibited or have been in contact with someone who has presented with illness within the previous 24 hours to 2 weeks, including but not limited to: cough, sneezing, fever, chest congestion or additional signs of potential spread of any cold, virus or bacteria/disease. If you have been exposed to anyone who has tested positive for Flu, RSV, Norovirus, and/or COVID-19 and/or you are in a required quarantine phase from school or work, DO NOT COME TO SESSIONS OR EVENTS.
If you arrive on-site and are exhibiting signs of cold/virus/illness, you will be asked to leave immediately.
At this time, masks are the choice of each individual (this is subject to change at any time), however you will see many of staff continuing to wear them. Due to the nature of our organization (animals requiring 24/7/365 care) and the size of our team, instances of illness (COVID, Flu or other virus) will likely lead to cancellation of ALL programming at our facility for the duration of one to two weeks, especially in the event of a primary staff member being exposed.
As it relates to effective EAAT (equine-assisted activities and therapies), our biggest challenge with social distancing lies in keeping our clients safe during direct interactions with horses. Our instructors, therapists, equine specialists, ranch staff and volunteers need to be in very close proximity to our participants in order to offer these unique services and programs. In many cases – as it is with mounted work (riding) and some groundwork activities (such as picking hooves) – we are often in direct physical contact with our clients for up to 90-minutes at any one time. In addition, we are trained and required to be in physical contact or provide life-saving interventions (i.e. CPR), in the case of an emergency while at our facility.
While it may appear as though we are an “outdoor activity” that can fall safely and easily within the lines keeping everyone healthy, we are rarely 6' away from our clients, and each other. We are doing our very best to flex, evolve and innovate so that we can continue to offer quality services and programs; and stay healthy while sharing this wonderful farm with all of you. Thank you for your patience and understanding.