“Nature has been for me, for as long as I remember, a source of solace, inspiration, adventure, and delight; a home, a teacher, a companion.”


Nature-based Talk Therapy / EcoTherapy

Nature-based therapy {or EcoTherapy} is a form of psychotherapy that is focused on a connection with nature. Referring to a wide range of treatment programs which aim to improve your mental and physical wellbeing, ecotherapy may include “talk therapy” while hiking and moving through the woods, observing wildlife, outdoor yoga, creative projects or simply just being present out in nature.

Nature-based Talk Therapy / EcoTherapy is a form of experiential psychotherapy that includes being out in nature and provides clients with the opportunity to enhance self-awareness and re-pattern maladaptive behaviors, feelings and attitudes.

Nature-based Talk Therapy / EcoTherapy does not involve working with horses or other animals, with the exception of sharing the environment of the ranch with all living things. If you are seeking a hands-on, experiential therapy program that involves partnering with horses, donkeys, goats and more, please visit Equine-facilitated Psychotherapy.