Support the Mission of Equuvation

Your support will make a real, lasting impact in the lives of others. To make a donation online, click:


To make a donation via check (made payable to Equuvation), please send it directly to: Equuvation Inc.  •  PO Box 6357, Statesville, NC  •  28687

We accept online and personal/business check donations, as well as in-kind, stock, real estate, property and estate donations. There are also a variety of ways for local businesses, individuals and groups to support Equuvation Inc. and all of its projects, from gift donations to ongoing or special event sponsorships; product and service donations, AmazonSmile and more.

From COVID-19 and the impact of school violence, to racism and inequality within our communities, the events of the past three years have further illuminated the need for ethical and accessible therapeutic and educational services, regardless of one’s ability to pay. Help our communities access the help they need, when they need it the most, through a donation to Equuvation.